Intro to Creative Practice Year 0

Week 4 – Presenting my creative practice

Presenting my work

I did a lot of work for this week. That being said, this isn’t really finished.

What I WANTED to do was make a full video, and the song HAD to be 5Light by Prolaps. It’s 2 and a half minutes long and I wanted to make something that fit it perfectly. It was supposed to have a lot of crazy editing and use most of my art from the past 2 years (400 pieces give or take, and mildly inspired by the montages in Everything Everywhere All At Once) in some form as well as footage of my drawing application I did for my computing EPQ, and lastly a segment where I talk about them and how I envision my art (the technical process is less relevant)

So, I essentially did the weekly task twice so that I would have something to hand in in case I didn’t finish the video:


Simply put, I don’t know what my creative practice is. But as I’ve been working out, I may have come to the realisation that I mainly care that other people enjoy themselves, which comes from wherever you can imagine. My main example of creative computing in the past was a little drawing application, where all throughout the process I just thought to myself… ‘I can’t wait to see what other people make. I just want to pass it around to as many people as possible.’ It’s like I make stepping stones for others; Their feelings and ideas and enjoyment – I like to serve as a platform. I wonder if it’s because my entire childhood before age 10 revolved around Little Big Planet and I consider it part of my DNA. I want to give others so many tools that they feel spoiled for choice.


It’s not finished.

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