To download my dataset, I downloaded this program and edited the config.ini file to navigate to my channel of choice.

The program was able to produce an entire folder of images saved from the channel.

The link to the zip file is here.
Next in order was to select which pictures I wanted to paint.
I went through 3 iterations of choosing which pictures to use, settling on 14.

I then divided them into 4 categories:
- Liminal, meaning liminal space images that are usually real pictures taken on older digital cameras in a ‘transitional’ space that invoke a dreamy or unreal feeling
- Cyber + Surrealism, meaning images usually orginating from the 2000’s web with the unique aesthetic of the time
- Media, meaning images of or derived from popular media within this subculture
- Memes also from this subculture specifically
In the gallery, I will separate the paintings based on these categories.
I purchased a sketchbook. I printed off each picture and am going to trace them individually into the sketchbook, using a lightbox rented from CSM library.
I still haven’t decided the mode of this gallery – My first thought was a neocities website to stay on theme with the images in question, but Jazmin suggested something like a framevr gallery. We will have to see!