Intro to Computational Practice Project Work Serious Project 1 Year 0

Serious Project 1: Update 4 – Text

In the same vein of ‘Get Well Soon’ I decided to write my own gentle, encouraging political text as a preface, and include things like mental health and trans survival resources on the front page. Aside from that, the text was heavily inspired by Anna-Jayne Metcalfe’s blog posts documenting her experiences compiling the data for the tdor database and the ‘Ode to a Grayson Perry Urn’ poem by Tim Turnbull.

‘It Is 2023. We are young, and transgender. We live a range of lives – ones that are hushed and hidden away; ones where we play in the streets at night; ones where an endless trail of beautiful art and music flows behind our footsteps; ones with difficult conversations, quasi-understanding and ones where we sit with our surroundings, thinking, ‘It could be worse.’ We are young and transgender, and we shake with the euphoria after washing from the shores of deprivation as we learn ourselves as young people barely budding in the adult world; secret lives and adjustments. It’s easy to understand why transgender people were considered near divine being in our faraway past. We are different, we are born to have high insight, we see the first division – Man, and woman. Male bathrooms, female bathrooms. Clothes. Roles.

Looking up ‘transgender genocide’ yields calculated results in which transgender voices are trampled by blunt articles insisting it doesn’t exist, it’s not an issue, we die at the same rate as everyone else. If we are killed in the streets, it’s not because we are trans, and yet simultaneously it is our fault for being an anomaly. Somehow, we are the ‘scapegoat’ for issues within our society. Does it sound familiar to you?

My aim for this website was one of a shield to contrast the sword of transgender violence databases. As the numbers tick up, let us honour our victims and honour ourselves. This is a safe space to

It was never supposed to be like this. We fight every day. So, while we fight like hell, every single day, how do we cope? How can we care for ourselves?

Trans people and youth deserve rest, healing, treatment. Love. Healthcare. My aim for this website was one of a shield to contrast the sword of transgender violence databases. As the numbers tick up, let us honour our victims and honour ourselves. Let this space be a place of hospitality and self-care, as we much care for each other and ourselves if we need to keep fighting every day.

This is my database of transgender care and survival.’

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